Deadsec CTF 2024 - Raul Rosas writeup

Writeup for Raul Rosas from DeadSec CTF 24.

Deadsec CTF is kinda significant to me because the last year’s edition taught me LCGs (which later on helped me win 2 writeup prizes). This time I’ve managed to solve 3 out of the 6 crypto challenges. Two of them were easy, but Raus Rosas was interesting. This post will be about that particular challenge.

Overview of the given script

We are given with the following handout:

from Crypto.Util.number import * 
from sympy import nextprime

p1 = bin(getPrime(1024))[2:]
p2 = p1[:605]
p2 = p2 + ('0'*(len(p1)-len(p2)))

p1 = int(p1,2)
p2 = nextprime(int(p2,2))

q1 = getPrime(300)
q2 = getPrime(300)

n1 = p1*p1*q1 
n2 = p2*p2*q2 

e = 65537 
flag = bytes_to_long(b'REDACTED')
c1 = pow(flag,e,n1)
c2 = pow(flag,e,n2)


This is basic multi prime RSA where two encryptions of the flag is given:

$$ \begin{aligned} c_1 &= m^e \mod n_1 \\ c_2 &= m^e \mod n_2 \\ n_1 &= p_{1}^2 * q_1 \\ n_2 &= p_{2}^2 * q_2 \end{aligned} $$

But the primes seem to be generated in an oddly specific way. The prime $p_1$ which is of $1024$ bits is generated normally using getPrime function. The catch is in the generation of $p_2$. What happens is, the last $419$ bits (LSB) of $p_1$ is 0’d out. That is, $p_1’ = (p_1 » 419) « 419$, the lower $419$ bits of $p_1’$ is $0$. Then $p_2 = nextprime(p_1’)$.

Two other primes $q_1, q_2$ is generated which are both $300$ bits.

Thinking of a solution

An important observation is that, most of the lower bits of $p_2$ will be $0$. This is because of how it was generated, remember it is the next prime of $p_1’$ and the next prime number is not far (maximum $2000$ difference). So out of the lower $419$ bits of $p_2$, the lowest $11$ bits might be non-$0$ and the remaining $408$ bit will be $0$. But the higher bits of $p_2$ is unknown. So we can write:

$$ p_2 = \underbrace{p_{hi}}_{605 \ bits} \ | \underbrace{p_{lo}}_{419 \ bits \ (mostly \ 0s)} $$

Or mathematically, this can be represented as, $p_2 = p_{hi} * 2^{419} + p_{lo}$. Where $p_{hi} \approx 2^{605}$ and $p_{lo} \approx 2^{11}$. Now why the bound for $p_{lo}$ is so small has already been explained (most of the bits are $0$). Lets, represent $p_{hi}$ as $x$ and $q_2$ as $y$ and then we can write $n_2$ as follows:

$$ \begin{aligned} n_2 &= p_2^2 * q_2 \\ &= (x * 2^{605} + p_{lo})^2 * y \end{aligned} $$

defund for the win

We see that in the algebraic representation of $n_2$ above, both $x$ and $y$ are very small compared to the modulus $n_2$. This hints to a bivariate coppersmith solution. So we can brute-force the values of $p_{lo}$ (only around $2000$ of them), and try to see if coppersmith returns a valid solution or not. We can use defund’s script for solving the bivariate equation. But how to understand if the solution is valid or not? Suppose from the solution we get $p_2’$ and we don’t know if it’s correct one or not. It will be correct if $\text{GCD}(p_2’, n_2) > 1$.

BUT, there is a slight problem here. Notice that the most trivial solution is $(x, y) = (0, 0)$ as that perfectly satisfies the equation for $n_2$. This cost me around 2 to 3 hours to understand what was happening and fix it. We have to somehow force the solver to return us non-zero solutions. Notice that $q_2$ is a $300$ bit prime number. So the $299th$ bit must be $1$. For this reason, instead of writing $q_2 = y$, we write $q_2 = 2^{299} + y$. Then $y$ will be bounded by $2^{298}$ and it also guarantees that trivial solutions would not be returned. So the modified equation will be

$$n_2 = (x * 2^{605} + p_{lo})^2 * (y + 2^{299}) $$

Finishing off the solution

I’ve used defunds script as a black box and adjusted my script accordingly. As previously explained, the bounds for $(x, y)$ is $(2^{605}, 2^{298})$.

from Crypto.Util.number import *
from sympy import nextprime
from tqdm import tqdm

n = 456...3
c2 =339...017

for p_lo in tqdm(range(1, 2000)):
    R = Integers(n)
    P.<x, y> = PolynomialRing(R)
    sz = 1024-605
    f = (x * (2^sz) + p_lo)^2 * (y + 2^299)
    bounds = (2^(1024-sz), 2^298)

    roots = small_roots(f, bounds)[0]
    p_hi = int(roots[0])
    p = p_hi*(2^sz) + int(p_lo)
    p = int(p)
    n = int(n)
    if GCD(p, n) > 1:
        assert is_prime(p)
        q = n // (p*p)
        phi = p * (p - 1) * (q - 1)
        d = pow(65537, -1, phi)
        m = pow(c2, d, n)

This returns

  7%|| 134/1999 [01:43<23:54,  1.30it/s]


Alternate solutions

🧀 (factordb)

Apparently people mentioned that they could find the factors for $n_2$ right on factordb. Very suspicious. Likely what happened was that someone factorized $n_2$ using legal methods then uploaded on factordb. Things like this ruins the fun.

Some clever observations

This solution was mentioned by @ctfguy in the discord server.

$$\begin{aligned} n_2 \mod 2^{400} &= (p_{hi} * 2^{609} + p_{lo}) ^ 2 * q_2 \mod 2^{400} \\ &= p_{lo}^2 * q_2 \mod 2^{400} \end{aligned} $$

Here, the product is small enough (around $322$ bits) so it remains unaffected by $\mod 2^{400}$.

Since the sample space for $p_{lo}$ is very small ($2^{11}$ bits), we can enumerate them all, and whenever $(n_2 \mod 2^{400}) \mod p_{lo}^2 \equiv 0$, we have found the correct $p_{lo}$. This means, we can find $q_2 = (n_2 \mod 2^{400}) \ / \ p_{lo}^2$. Once $q_2$ is found, we get $p_2 = \sqrt(n_2 \ / \ q_2)$. Thus the modulus is factored and we can do basic RSA decryption now to recover the flag.