LA CTF 2024 crypto writeups

Writeup for some Cryptography challenges from LA CTF 24.

prove it!

From the name and the description we get the hint that this problem is about zk-snarks. Though we can solve this problem without even knowing what zero-knowledge proof is. This is the script that we are provided with:

import random

flag = "lactf{??????????}"
p = 171687271187362402858253153317226779412519708415758861260173615154794651529095285554559087769129718750696204276854381696836947720354758929262422945910586370154930700427498878225153794722572909742395687687136063410003254320613429926120729809300639276228416026933793038009939497928563523775713932771366072739767

if __name__ == "__main__":
	s = random.getrandbits(128)
	alpha = random.getrandbits(40)
	g = redacted
	ss = [pow(g, s**i, p) for i in range(1,8)]
	alphas = [pow(g, alpha * s**i, p) for i in range(1,8)]
	print(f"Use these values to evaluate your polynomials on s")
	print(f"Powers of s: {ss}")
	print(f"Powers of alpha*s: {alphas}")
	tries = 0
	while True:
		if tries >= 2:
			print("Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me")
		print("Can you prove to me you know the polynomial f that im thinking of?")
		target = []
		for i in range(8):
		print(f"Coefficients of target polynomial: {target}")
		ts = sum([(pow(s,7 - i, p) * target[i]) % p for i in range(len(target))]) % p
		f = int(input("give me your evaluation of f(s) > ")) % p
		h = int(input("give me your evaluation of h(s) > ")) % p
		fa = int(input("give me your evaluation of f(alpha * s) > ")) % p
		if f <= 1 or h <= 1 or fa <=1 or f == p-1 or h == p-1 or fa == p-1:
		if pow(f, alpha, p) != fa or f != pow(h, ts, p):
			print(f"failed! The target was {ts}")
			tries += 1
		print(f"you made it! here you got {flag}")

The program flow is as follows:

  1. A prime $p$ is given which is always fixed.
  2. $s$ is a $128 \ bit$ variable and $\alpha$ is a $40 \ bit$ variable generated randomly and kept secret. $g$ is also a secret but always fixed.
  3. Two public arrays are generated. $ss = g^{s^1}, g^{s^2}, \cdots, g^{s^8} \mod p$ and $alphas = g^{\alpha \cdot \ s^1}, g^{\alpha \cdot \ s^2}, \cdots, g^{\alpha \cdot \ s^8} \mod p$.
  4. Then we are given two rounds where for each round,
    1. A public array $target$ of length 8 is randomly generated where each value is within the range of $p$.
    2. A private value $ts$ is calculated as $ts=\sum_{i=0}^7 s^{7-i} \cdot target_i \mod p$.
    3. We have to provide the value for 3 variables $f, fa, h$ such that $f^{\alpha} \equiv fa \mod p$ and $h^{ts} \equiv f \mod p$. To stop cheesing, there are some further restrictions on the values: they must be in the range $[2, p-2]$ inclusive.
    4. If we lose the round, the private value $ts$ is revealed. If we win, the flag is revealed.

My solution comprised of two steps:

  1. Recover $\alpha$ using discrete log.
  2. Recover $s$ using the polynomial modular equation solver of sage-math.

Recover $\alpha$

As I have already spoiled, we are going to apply dlog for this step. But we don’t even know $g$. What do we do now? Let,

$$ \begin{aligned} b’ &\equiv \frac{ss_2}{ss_1} &\equiv \frac{g^{s^2}}{g^s} &\equiv g^{s^2 - s} & \mod p \\ b’’ &\equiv \frac{alphas_2}{alphas_1} &\equiv \frac{g^{\alpha \cdot s^2}}{g^{\alpha \cdot \ s}} &\equiv g^{\alpha \cdot \ (s^2 - s)} & \mod p \\ \rightarrow b’’ & \equiv(b’)^{\alpha} &&& \mod p \end{aligned} $$

Since we know both $b’’$ and $b’$, $g$ becomes irrelevant. We can shift our focus solely on solving the dlog $b’’ \equiv (b’)^{\alpha}$ now. But $p$ is a $1024 \ bit$ prime. Maybe the group order is smooth? Upon checking on factor-db, we get a very interesting insight

$$ p - 1 =  2 × \underbrace{7 × 13 × 19 × 53 × 1777 × 13873}_{\text{42 \ bits}} × 375066 324492 304430 531233 × 101 \cdots 063 $$

$\alpha$ is $40 \ bits$. Hurray 😂, we do have a sub-group small enough to solve the dlog efficiently. The largest prime there ($13873$) is just $14 \ bits$. We don’t even need baby-steps-giant-steps, literally brute forcing would suffice for each prime. Finally, we can combine each log using crt and recover the original $\alpha$.

F = GF(p)

def discrete_log(y, g, f):
    for pw in range(f):
        y_ = pow(g, pw, f)
        if y == y_:
            return pw
    return -1

values = []
mods = []
for f in fs:
    o = (p-1) // f
    Pg = F(b_)^o
    Py = F(b__)^o
    r = discrete_log(Py, Pg, f)
    if r > -1: 
print('found', crt(values, mods))
Be aware
Sometimes the b’’ itself might lie in the subgroup of the smaller primes. We can’t do dlog in that case. That is why we can try using all the $ss_i, alphas_i$ pairs, or keep running the instance until a suitable $ss_0, alphas_0$ pair appears.

Recover $s$

The plan is to sacrifice the first round so that we can get $ts$. $s$ is fixed for both rounds, which means if we manage to recover $s$ now, we can win the second round.

$$ts=s^7 \cdot target_0 + s^6 \cdot target_1 + \cdots + s^0 \cdot target_7 \mod p$$ No big brain 🧠 move is necessary here. Just use sage-math and profit !!

P.<x> = PolynomialRing(Zmod(p))
f = sum(x^(7-i)*target[i] for i in range(8))
f -= ts
f = f.monic()

Recover $flag$

Since we know both $\alpha$ and $s$ now, on the second round we can send $f^{\alpha} \equiv fa \mod p$ and $h^{ts} \equiv f \mod p$ and $h=5$ to successfully retrieve the flag.



My favorite problem of the year so far. The idea is simple but elegant. Thanks to the author ❤. This is the script we are given:


from secrets import randbits
import math
from base64 import b64encode

class LCG:

    def __init__(self,a,c,m,seed):
        self.a = a
        self.c = c
        self.m = m
        self.state = seed

    def next(self):
        self.state = (self.a * self.state + self.c) % self.m
        return self.state

def generate_random_quad():
    return randbits(64),randbits(64),randbits(64),randbits(64)

initial_iters = randbits(16)

def encrypt_msg(msg, params):
    global initial_iters
    a, c, m, seed = params
    L = LCG(a, c, m, seed)
    for i in range(initial_iters):
    l = len(msg)
    permutation = []
    chosen_nums = set()
    while len(permutation) < l:
        pos = % l
        if pos not in chosen_nums:
    output = ''.join([msg[i] for i in permutation])
    return output

# period is necessary
secret = b64encode(open('secret_message.txt','rb').read().strip()).decode() + '.'
length = len(secret)
assert(length == MESSAGE_LENGTH)

a, c, m, seed = params = generate_random_quad()
enc_secret = encrypt_msg(secret,params)

while True:
    choice = input("What do you want to do?\n1: Shuffle a message.\n2: Get the encrypted secret.\n3: Quit.\n> ")
    if choice == "1":
        message = input("Ok. What do you have to say?\n")
        if (len(message) >= length):
            print("I ain't reading allat.\n")
        elif (math.gcd(len(message),m) != 1):
            print("Are you trying to hack me?\n")
            print(f"Here you go: {encrypt_msg(message,params)}\n")
    elif choice == "2":
        print(f"Here you go: {enc_secret}\n")
    elif choice == "3":
        print("bye bye")
        print("Bad choice.\n")

The outer program flow is easy to understand. Let us try to see what happens in the encrypt_msg function.

  1. An object called LCG is generated with fixed params a, c, m, seed.
  2. The LCG state is progressed a fixed amount of times (initial_iter times to be exact).
  3. The next states are used to encrypt the message.
  4. The encryption here is simply a permutation operation. pos = % l and in this way, the entire message is shuffled and returned.
  5. There is a catch. If there is a repetition of pos, then that value is discarded and the next state is evaluated.

Understanding LCG

Linear Congruential Generator or LCG denotes a linear function used for generating random numbers. It can be denoted with a recursive function as follows:

$$X_{n+1} = a \cdot X_n + c \mod m$$


  • a is the multiplier
  • c is the increment
  • m is the modulo which is generally a prime
  • $X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_n$ are the states, with $X_0$ being the initial state or the seed

Suppose we don’t know $a, c, m, seed$ (which is the case for the given problem as well) but we somehow managed to get our hands on 6 consecutive states of the LCG ($X_n, X_{n+1}, \cdots, X_{n+5}$), we have a process to recover $a, c, m$ from them.

Recover the modulo m

Suppose we know the states $X_1, X_2, \cdots, X_6$.

$$ \begin{aligned} X_1 &\equiv a \cdot X_0 + c &\mod m \\ X_2 &\equiv a \cdot X_1 + c &\mod m \\ \vdots \\ X_6 &\equiv a \cdot X_5 + c &\mod m \\ \end{aligned} $$

For each consecutive pair of equations, we can subtract the first from the second to get

$$ \begin{aligned} T_0 \rightarrow X_2 - X_1 & \equiv a \cdot (X_1 - X_0) &\mod m \\ T_1 \rightarrow X_3 - X_2 & \equiv a \cdot (X_2 - X_1) &\mod m \\ T_2 \rightarrow X_4 - X_3 & \equiv a \cdot (X_3 - X_2) &\mod m \\ T_3 \rightarrow X_5 - X_4 & \equiv a \cdot (X_4 - X_3) &\mod m \\ T_4 \rightarrow X_6 - X_5 & \equiv a \cdot (X_5 - X_4) &\mod m \end{aligned} $$

We can divide each consecutive pair of $T$ to cut off the $a$ term.

$$ \begin{aligned} \frac{T_1}{T_2} &\equiv \frac{X_3 - X_2}{X_4 - X3} \equiv \frac{X_2 - X_1}{X_3 - X_2} &\mod m \\ \rightarrow \frac{T_1}{T_2} &\equiv \frac{X_2 - X_1}{X_3 - X_2} &\mod m \\ \rightarrow \frac{T_1}{T_2} &\equiv \frac{T_0}{T_1} &\mod m \\ \rightarrow T_1 ^ 2 &\equiv T_0 \cdot T_2 &\mod m \\ \rightarrow T1^2 - T_0 \cdot T_2 &= k_1 \cdot m \end{aligned} $$

Similarly, we can write

$$ \begin{aligned} T2^2 - T_1 \cdot T_3 &= k_2 \cdot m \\ T3^2 - T_2 \cdot T_4 &= k_3 \cdot m \end{aligned} $$

If we take the gcd of these 3 terms, what we get is

$$GCD(k_1 \cdot m, k_2 \cdot m, k_3 \cdot m) = m $$

It might be the case that $k_1, k_2, k_3$ shares a common factor then we will be getting a multiple of $m$. But even if that is the case, the multiple is going to be so small that we can do some trial division and eliminate that multiple.

Recover the multiplier a and the increment c

Since we do know $m$ now, it becomes trivial to recover $a$ and $c$.

$$ \begin{aligned} a &\equiv \frac{X_3 - X_2}{X_2 - X_1} &\mod m \\ c &\equiv X_2 - a \cdot X_1 &\mod m \end{aligned} $$

We can use the below script(that I collected from another writeup last year) to crack the LCG parameters.

from functools import reduce

def modinv(x, p):
    return pow(x, -1, p)

def crack_unknown_increment(states, modulus, multiplier):
    increment = (states[1] - states[0] * multiplier) % modulus
    return modulus, multiplier, increment

def crack_unknown_multiplier(states, modulus):
    multiplier = (states[2] - states[1]) * modinv(states[1] - states[0], modulus) % modulus
    return crack_unknown_increment(states, modulus, multiplier)

def crack_unknown_modulus(states):
    diffs = [s1 - s0 for s0, s1 in zip(states, states[1:])]
    zeroes = [t2 * t0 - t1 * t1 for t0, t1, t2 in zip(diffs, diffs[1:], diffs[2:])]
    modulus = abs(reduce(gcd, zeroes))
    return crack_unknown_multiplier(states, modulus)

Tackling the given problem

We know how to crack LCG and we also know we have to recover 6 consecutive states of the LCG first. Suppose initial iters is $n$, so every time we query for a message $m$, the states $X_n, X_{n+1}, X_{n+2}, \cdots, X_{n + sz - 1}$ is used. Since we are concerned with 6 states only, we need $X_{n+1}, X_{n+2}, \cdots, X_{n+5}$ only. (For the time being, I am going to assume that no repetitions will occur and hence no state will be skipped).

As test, we send message = abcdefg.

From the last table, we can deduce the following equations:

$$ \begin{aligned} X_{n} &\equiv 5 &\mod 7 \\ X_{n + 1} &\equiv 3 &\mod 7 \\ X_{n + 2} &\equiv 6 &\mod 7 \\ \vdots \\ X_{n + 6} &\equiv 1 &\mod 7 \\ \end{aligned} $$

Not bad, we have a tiny portion of $X_n, \cdots, X_{n+5}$ ( i.e. $X_i \mod 7)$. As $X_i$ is a $64 \ bit$ number, we need $X_i \mod \ a \ 65 \ bit \ number$ to recover the original $X_i$.

We can repeat the same process for $m = 7, 11, 13, 17, \cdots$ until the product of the $mods$ is big enough. Suppose we have this:

$$ \underbrace{X_n \mod (7 \cdot 11 \cdot 13 \cdots \cdot 67)}_{\text{CRT}} \begin{cases} \begin{aligned} X_{n} &\equiv 5 &\mod 7 \\ X_{n} &\equiv 8 &\mod 11 \\ X_{n} &\equiv 2 &\mod 13 \\ \vdots \\ X_{n} &\equiv 43 &\mod 67 \end{aligned} \end{cases} $$

In the same way, we can use chinese-remainder-theorem or CRT to recover $X_{n+1}, \cdots, X_{n+5}$ as well.

As the characters in each message that we send must be unique and printable, we send characters from the ASCII range $33$ to $127$. That is, for a message of length $k$, we send: $message_k = ascii_{33} + ascii_{33+1} + ascii_{33+2} + \cdots + ascii_{33 + k - 1}$.

But are all the states actually consecutive?

Remember the assumption I made earlier? For the time being, I am going to assume that no repetitions will occur and hence no state will be skipped. This rarely holds. In almost all of the cases, there will be some states that will be skipped. And if that happens, the LCG solver will return some garbage value that will be easy to understand. I ran a simulation to check how frequent that is and printed m, a, c.

4 0 3
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
4 0 3
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
5 0 2
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
4 2 3
5817747651381476157 3630784695756569456 5646245808023284019

For all skip cases, it gave values that were impossible (very small values). But in the last line, we can see a lucky case where no state was skipped and we get a value that is large enough(around $64 \ bits)$. On average, after every $15$ to $20$ run, we get a lucky case like that. That is when we progress our solve and for other cases, we skip and move on to the next.

from base64 import b64decode

for _ in range(100):
    sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    sock.connect(('', 31172))

    opts = ''.join(chr(c) for c in range(33, 128))

    def get_enc_msg(p):
        recvuntil(sock, b'> ')
        sendline(sock, b'1')
        to_send = (opts[:p]).encode()
        sendline(sock, to_send)
        line = recvline(sock).decode().strip()
        if ':' not in line:
            return None
            return line.split(': ')[1].replace(' ', '')

    def get_idx_from_perm(s, o):
        return [o.index(c) for c in s]

    p = 38
    tot_mod = 1
    mods = []
    perms = []

    while True:
        if int(tot_mod).bit_length() > 64:

        while not is_prime(p): p += 1

        r = get_enc_msg(p)
        if r:
            tot_mod *= p
            perms.append(get_idx_from_perm(r, opts[:p])[:6])

        p += 1

    lcg_states = []

    for pos in range(6):
        vals = []
        for i in range(len(perms)):

        lcg_states.append(CRT(vals, mods))

        m, a, c = crack_unknown_modulus(lcg_states)
        print(m, a, c)
    if min([int(m).bit_length(), int(a).bit_length(), int(c).bit_length()]) < 20:

    recvuntil(sock, b'> ')
    sendline(sock, b'2')
    enc = recvline(sock).decode().strip().split(': ')[1].replace(' ', '')

    class LCG:

        def __init__(self,a,c,m,seed):
            self.a = a
            self.c = c
            self.m = m
            self.state = seed

        def next(self):
            self.state = (self.a * self.state + self.c) % self.m
            return self.state

    L = LCG(a, c, m, lcg_states[-1])
    prev = (lcg_states[0] - c + m) % m
    prev = (prev * pow(a, -1, m)) % m

    L = LCG(a, c, m, prev)

    permutation = []

    l = 617
    chosen_nums = set()
    while len(permutation) < l:
        pos = int( % l
        if pos not in chosen_nums:

    msg = ['!' for _ in range(l)]
    for i, v in enumerate(permutation):
        msg[v] = enc[i]

    msg = ''.join(c for c in msg)
b'I just invented the best shuffling algorithm!\nNobody can read this!\nHere, let me hide a flag here: lactf{th3_h0us3_c0uld_n3v3r_l0se_r1ght}\nI better not see anyone try to lay their three fingers sideways (mod m) and declare "with this breath, I determine a to be congruent to (X_2 - X_3)/(X_2 - X_1) and c to be trivial"\nI mean, it\'s surely impossible to decipher this message right\nI\'m going to sell this algorithm to every casino ever and get rich mwahahahaha'



This was a simpler, yet refreshing challenge which requires no knowledge of mathematics or algorithms. The given script is:


import secrets
from super_secret_stuff import flag, f, f_inverse

seed = secrets.randbits(16)
function_uses = 0
oracle_uses = 0
done = False

def compute_output_bit(state, pred):
    return bin((state & pred)).count("1") % 2

def prng(pred):
    cur_state = seed
    outputs = []
    for i in range(16):
        cur_state = f(cur_state)
        outputs.append(compute_output_bit(cur_state, pred))
    cur_state = f(cur_state)
    cur_state_bits = format(cur_state, 'b').zfill(16)
    all_bits = ("".join([str(i) for i in outputs]) + cur_state_bits)[::-1]
    return all_bits

def pprngc(pred, stream):
    state = int("".join(stream[:16][::-1]), 2)
    for i in range(16, len(stream)):
        state = f_inverse(state)
        if not compute_output_bit(state, pred) == int(stream[i]):
            return None
    state = f_inverse(state)
    return compute_output_bit(state, pred)

print("All you need to know about f is that it's a function from 16 bits to 16 bits")
print("The output on today's secret seed is:", f(seed))
if __name__ == "__main__":
    while not done:
        choice = input("What can I do for you? 1. get random bits 2. use f 3. predict next bit 4. guess seed ").strip()
        if choice == "1":
            rand_pred = secrets.randbelow(2**16)
            output = prng(rand_pred)
            print("Using predicate", rand_pred)
            print("Ignore the fact that the first 16 bits are always the same (or don't, your choice)")
        elif choice == "2":
            if function_uses == 15:
                print("Nah, you've had enough.")
            num = input("Gimme a number! ").strip()
                num = int(num)
                if num < 0 or num >= 2**16:
                    print("Out of range!")
                    function_uses += 1
                print("Uh something went wrong.")
        elif choice == "3":
            if oracle_uses == 16:
                print("Nah, you've had enough.")
            stream = input("Gimme the bitstream you want to predict! ").strip()
            if len(stream) < 16:
                print("Out of range!")
                pred = input("Oh, can you also give a predicate with that? ").strip()
                    pred = int(pred)
                    if pred < 0 or pred >= 2 ** 64:
                        print("Out of range!")
                        output = pprngc(pred, stream)
                        if output is None:
                            print("Uh lemme get back to you on that...")
                            print("*liquidates assets, purchases fake identity, buys one way ticket to Brazil*")
                            done = True
                            oracle_uses += 1
                    print("Uh something went wrong.")
        elif choice == "4":
            guess = input("Well, let's see it! ").strip()
            if str(seed) == guess:
                print("Nope! Sorry!")
            done = True
            print("Buh bye!")
            done = True

We have a function $f$ which we have no idea about. All we are told is that it maps 16 bits to 16 bits. And at the beginning, we are given $f(seed)$. We have to guess $seed$ using queries of the following types:

  1. Generates a random predicate of $16 \ bit$ length and inputs it to a function called prng. It gives us $f^{17}(seed)$ and the output of another function called compute_output_bit. Can be used as many times as wanted.
  2. Inputs $num$ and outputs $f^{15}(num)$. Can be used 15 times only.
  3. Takes a $predicate$ and a $bit \ stream$ from the user and passes it as input to a function called pprngc. This function is almost the opposite of function $prng$. Can be used 16 times.
  4. Gives a chance to guess the $seed$. If we are successful, we are given the flag.

pprngc function gives us $(f^{-1})^{17}(pred)$. Well not exactly, it passes that output through a function called compute_output_bits and then gives it to us. Let us have a closer look at that particular function.

  1. Takes as input two parameters called $state$ and $pred$.
  2. Computes $x = states \ \& \ pred$.
  3. Calculates how many on bits ($1 \ bit$) are there in $x$.
  4. If the parity is even, return $1$, else return $0$.

We can use it as an oracle to leak bits at any position we want!

compute_output_bits as a bit leaking oracle

Suppose we want to leak the lsb (1st bit from the right) of $state$. I am going to use $8 \ bit$ numbers as examples here.

  1. The lsb is 1. $state := 01001101$ and $pred := 00000001$. In that case, $state \ \& \ pred = 00000001$. The parity of $1$ count is odd.
  2. The lsb is 0. $state := 01001100$ and $pred := 00000001$. In that case, $state \ \& \ pred = 00000000$. The parity of $1$ count is even.

Now why does this happen? The $7$ off-bits in $pred$ forces all initial $7$ bits in the “$&$” operation to be 0. The remaining bit depends on lsb of $state$. In this way, we can leak any bit of $state$. What would the $pred$ be if we wanted to leak the bit at the $4-th$ position? $pred := 00001000$. This would force all other bits to be $0$, except on the $4-th$ position, where it depends on the $state$.

Thinking of a solution

We need to somehow backtrack $f(seed)$ to $seed$. Maybe using pprngc?. But wait, it will give us $(f^{-1})^{17}(f(seed)) \rightarrow (f^{-1})^{16}(seed)$ instead. But if we could provide it, $f^{17}(seed)$, then it would give us $(f^{-1})^{17}(f^{17}(seed)) \rightarrow seed$. It would give count_output_bit of $seed$ but we have already seen how to use it to leak every bit of $state$ (which in this case happens to be $seed$).

Recovering upto $f^{17}(seed)$

We can use the $2nd$ query 15 times on $f(seed)$ to get $f^2(seed), f^3(seed), \cdots, f^{16}(seed)$.

But this isn’t good enough, we still need $f^{17}(seed)$. This is where the $1st$ type of query comes in. The output of that query is always going to contain $f^{17}(seed)$, along with some bit streams generated by count_output_bit that are not necessary now.

Recovering the $seed$

Now this question might come to your mind if we could obtain $f^{17}(seed)$, why do we need $f^2(seed), \cdots, f^{16}(seed)$? Actually, when we use the pprngc function, it deploys some verification mechanism that checks whether we know all the states of $seed$ in the line if not compute_output_bit(state, pred) == int(stream[i]):

With all setup, we send the $f^{17}(seed)$ and the $stream$ bit stream along with suitable $pred$ to leak bits at all positions!!

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect(('', 31173))

states = []

s1 = int(recvline(sock).decode().strip().split(': ')[1])

for i in range(15):
    recvuntil(sock, b'seed ')
    sendline(sock, b'2')
    recvuntil(sock, b'! ')
    sendline(sock, str(states[-1]).encode())
    s = int(recvline(sock).decode().strip())
recvuntil(sock, b'seed ')
sendline(sock, b'1')
output = recvline(sock).decode().strip()

s17 = output[:16]


def compute_output_bit(state, pred):
    return bin((state & pred)).count("1") % 2

def get_prediction(pos):
    bits = ['0' for _ in range(16)]
    bits[pos] = '1'
    bits = int(''.join(c for c in bits), 2)
    ret = ''
    for s in states:
        ret += str(compute_output_bit(s, bits))
    return bits, ret[::-1]

seed = ['1' for _ in range(16)]
for pos in range(16):
    pred, seq = get_prediction(pos)
    seq = s17 + seq
    recvuntil(sock, b'seed ')
    sendline(sock, b'3')
    recvuntil(sock, b'! ')
    sendline(sock, seq.encode())
    recvuntil(sock, b'? ')
    sendline(sock, str(pred).encode())
    b = recvline(sock).decode().strip()
    seed[pos] = b

seed = int(''.join(c for c in seed), 2)
recvuntil(sock, b'seed ')
sendline(sock, b'4')
recvuntil(sock, b'! ')

sendline(sock, str(seed).encode())
