angstrom CTF 2023 - Lazy Lagrange

Writeup for the Lazy Lagrange Cryptography challenge.


Angstrom is without a doubt my favorite CTF competition. The problems are of high quality, and I learn a lot every time I solve a challenge. This year’s competition was no different.

I played with my default team IUT GENESIS and managed to solve 6/8 Cryptography challenges. Although millionaires was the most difficult challenge I solved, lazy lagrange was which I enjoyed the most solving.

So I’ll be making a writeup for lazy lagrange(also because I’m too lazy to make writeups🤡).

The challenge

Challenge Information
  • Points: 70
  • Description: Lagrange has gotten lazy, but he’s still using Lagrange interpolation…or is he?

nc 32100

Note that the intended solution for this problem was much simpler and intuitive. I somehow missed that observation during the contest and opted for a meet-in-the-middle solution instead

Before I go to my solution, I would explain some approaches that I tried and why they failed. This is the code that we were provided with

import random

with open('flag.txt', 'r') as f:

assert all(c.isascii() and c.isprintable() for c in FLAG), 'Malformed flag'
N = len(FLAG)
assert N <= 18, 'I\'m too lazy to store a flag that long.'
p = None
a = None
M = (1 << 127) - 1

def query1(s):
	if len(s) > 100:
		return 'I\'m too lazy to read a query that long.'
	x = s.split()
	if len(x) > 10:
		return 'I\'m too lazy to process that many inputs.'
	if any(not x_i.isdecimal() for x_i in x):
		return 'I\'m too lazy to decipher strange inputs.'
	x = (int(x_i) for x_i in x)
	global p, a
	p = random.sample(range(N), k=N)
	a = [ord(FLAG[p[i]]) for i in range(N)]
	res = ''
	for x_i in x:
		res += f'{sum(a[j] * x_i ** j for j in range(N)) % M}\n'
	return res


def query2(s):
	if len(s) > 100:
		return 'I\'m too lazy to read a query that long.'
	x = s.split()
	if any(not x_i.isdecimal() for x_i in x):
		return 'I\'m too lazy to decipher strange inputs.'
	x = [int(x_i) for x_i in x]
	while len(x) < N:
	z = 1
	for i in range(N):
		z *= not x[i] - a[i]
	return ' '.join(str(p_i * z) for p_i in p)

while True:
		choice = int(input(": "))
		assert 1 <= choice <= 2
		match choice:
			case 1:
				print(query1(input("\t> ")))
			case 2:
				print(query2(input("\t> ")))
	except Exception as e:
		print("Bad input, exiting", e)

Some failed approaches

This is a classic interpolation problem(almost). The 18 characters of the flag ($a_0, a_1, a_2, .., a_{16}, a_{17}$) are used as coefficients of a 17-degree polynomial like this: $$a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + a_3x^3 + a_4x^4 + … + a_{16}x^{16} + a_{17}x^{17} $$ All too simple, if we could just get values at 18 points. But there is a catch, we can get values at a maximum of 10 points from each query1. That too would not have been a problem, we could have just obtained the remaining 8 points from a second call to query1. What makes this approach infeasible, is that every time we call query1, the co-efficient are randomly shifted and so we get a different polynomial each time.

I wrote a script for query1('0') to check what are the characters of my flag. quer1('0') means the $a_0$ of the polynomial, which gives us the first character of the permutation. Running it a few hundred times ensures that all the constituent characters will spit out. Here is the script :

from pwn import *
from tqdm import tqdm

io = remote('', 32100)

def query(io, to_send):
    m = int(io.recvline().strip())
    return m

so_far = set()
for _ in tqdm(range(100)):
        r = query(io, '0'.encode())
        io = remote('', 32100)


The output was {'8', 'b', 't', '}', '7', '{', 'f', 'c', '6', 'a', '0'}

Not much, just 11 unique characters. Using them, I tried to write a partial brute force using z3. Since I can have 10 equations, I brute-forced for the 8 remaining characters. Later I tried a similar approach using matrices. Brute-forcing for the 8 remaining characters, I formed a 10 by 10 matrix and solving it under GF(M). But both approaches were too slow and hence, not feasible.

The working approach

Notice that I can somewhat reduce the search space using query1('x') and query1('-x') where x is an integer. $$f(x) = a_0 + a_1x + a_2x^2 + a_3x^3 + a_4x^4 + … + a_{16}x^{16} + a_{17}x^{17} $$ $$f(-x) = a_0 - a_1x + a_2x^2 - a_3x^3 + a_4x^4 + … + a_{16}x^{16} - a_{17}x^{17} $$

Adding them cancels out the indices with odd powers:

$$f(x) + f(-x) = 2a_0 + 2a_2x^2 + 2a_4x^4 + 2a_6x^6 + … + 2a_{14}x^{14} + 2a_{16}x^{16}$$

Allthough we can’t directly query for query1('-x'), we can do M - x instead, since $$M \ - \ x \ \equiv \ -x \ mod \ M$$

But how does this help us? Not that we can brute force all combinations, it’s $O(n^9)$ which is too costly. Instead, we can divide it into two parts, $$g_1(x) \ = \ a_0 + a_2x^2 + a_4x^4 + a_6x^6 + a_8x^8$$ $$g_2(x) \ = \ a_{10}x^{10} + a_{12}x^{12} + a_{14}x^{14} + a_{16}x^{16} $$

We now brute force all combinations of g1(p) where the p is fixed(supposedly a prime) and ($a_0, a_2, a_4, a_6, a_8$) are chosen from the flag characters which we got initially. The values are stored in a dictionary where g1(p) is the key and the combination of coefficients is the value.

import itertools

opt = ['8', 'b', 't', '}', '7', '{', 'f', 'c', '6', 'a', '0']
opts = [ord(c) for c in opt]
perms5 = list(itertools.product(opts, repeat = 5)) # all permuations and combinatons of length 5
perms4 = list(itertools.product(opts, repeat = 5)) # all permuations and combinatons of length 4, will be used later

M = (1 << 127) - 1
d1 = dict()
p1 = 23
for perm in tqdm(perms5):
    pwL = [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
    sm = sum([perm[i] * (p1 ** pwL[i]) for i in range(5)])
    d1[sm] = perm

The complexity for this part is $O(n^5)$ which is affordable.

Let’s say $$z \ = \ g_1(p) \ + \ g_2(p)$$ Since we have all permutations for $g_1$, we can write the above equation as $$g_1(p) \ = \ z \ - \ g_2(p)$$

Now we brute force all permutations and combinations of length 4 and find different values of $g_2(p)$
For each value of $g_2(p)$, we check if $z \ - \ g_2(p)$ is in dictionary d1. If yes, we have found the proper combinations of coefficients for $a_0, a_2, a_4, …., a_{14}, a_{16}$

RHS = [r1, r2] # r1 = query1(p) r2 = query1(M - p)

p1_sm = (RHS[0] + RHS[1]) % M
p1_sm = (pow(2, -1, M) * p1_sm) % M
even_pow = None
for perm in tqdm(perms4):
    pwR = [10, 12, 14, 16]
    sm = sum([perm[i] * (p1 ** pwR[i]) for i in range(4)])
    need = (p1_sm - sm + M) % M
    if need in d1:
        even_pow = d1[need] + perm

How much time does it take? The brute forcing take $O(n^4)$ and the search to see if a value belongs in the dictionary takes $O(\log{} n)$. In total it is $O(n^4 \log{} n)$ which is way faster than $O(n^9)$

The exact same approach is repeated to recover the odd-indexed coefficients $$a_{1}x + a_{3}x^3 + a_{5}x^5 + a_{7}x^7 + … + a_{15}x^{15} + a_{17}x^{17}$$

After all the coefficients are recovered, we send them to query2 in order to get the permutations revealed.
Using that, we can rearrange the coefficients and hence, recover the flag.

flag = [0 for _ in range(len(coeffs))]
for idx, val in enumerate(perms):
    flag[val] = coeffs[idx]

flag = ''.join([chr(c) for c in flag])

Flag: actf{f80f6086a77b}